By Simon Parrington on Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Category: SOYL

Getting the most from precision data at MySOYL Live

Over the summer, we sat down to discuss and plan our series of winter meetings which we carry out across the country each year. Historically, these have been referred to as our 'winter workshops' and have encompassed a range of information about our precision farming services.

As a slight change from the norm, this winter has seen the introduction of MySOYL Live, a programme of over 30 events that gives growers the opportunity to get hands-on with our web-based precision data management tool and receive practical advice from our team of experts.

MySOYL is a web-based data management tool which allows growers to store and manage their precision farming data in one place. Part of MyFarm – Frontier's farm management platform – MySOYL helps users to make informed, profitable business decisions.

We've run several of these events already and have received some great feedback about the programme. Each session has been developed as an interactive experience where, with the help of our team, our growers can learn about and test the features and tools MySOYL has to offer.

We have all been to meetings where attendance numbers can go into the hundreds and it can be quite daunting to put your hand in the air to ask a question. Each MySOYL Live workshop is capped at twenty people per session, making the environment much more informal, relaxed and collaborative. The whole purpose is for those in the workshop to ask as many questions as they like while getting a practical, hands-on tutorial of the software.

At each of the workshops, we offer a short technical update to attendees as well as an overview of some of the exciting new features that are in development. We then host step-by-step training on some of the key areas in MySOYL, including:

Having access to images of your fields taken at any point in the past five years enables you to use MySOYL to assess trends, crop variation and the potential impact on final yield when making this year's nitrogen decisions.

Utilise your MySOYL data to optimise seed rates and applications to suit your field characteristics.

The iSOYLscout app enables you to log field characteristics while physically out on farm and is fully integrated with MySOYL so your data can be stored in one place. 

In addition, the workshops also cover helpful tips for using MySOYL to its full potential.

Neil Edwards, farm manager of Coppied Farming Enterprises, recently attended a MySOYL Live workshop and found it really worthwhile. 

Speaking of his experience, Neil said, "I attended a MySOYL Live workshop in Blandford and it was brilliant. It was great to have live, hands-on examples to work through with the SOYL tutor while using the software for myself on the laptop they provided.

"Although I already use MySOYL, the workshop gave me the opportunity to learn helpful hints, tricks and shortcuts so I can use the software more efficiently and that's great for productivity. I also know far more about the full functionality of the program now. For example, I wasn't previously aware of the mechanics of the iSOYLscout app as I just hadn't explored it. Now, having had the chance to look at it properly and ask questions at the workshop, I can see that it's going be of great value to me when I'm out crop walking.

"Another benefit was the chance to discuss SOYL's variable rate nitrogen service and how the MySOYL system feeds into this. I'm excited to learn more about this service and can see it being very helpful for me in the future. It was a great event."

Our customers are all at different points of their journey into precision crop production, which is why these MySOYL Live sessions are designed to offer something for everyone regardless of the stage they are at or how proficient they may be on the computer.

From the simplest task such as viewing nutrient data, all the way through to using iSOYLscout to measure and manage crop establishment, our aim is for everyone who attends MySOYL Live to take something away that is of value to the management of their own farm business.

If you're interested in learning more about MySOYL and how it could work for your business, please visit our website to find a MySOYL Live event local to you. Workshops are running until early March but, as mentioned, places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. 

Simon Parrington

Commerdical director

Visit the SOYL website

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