By Simon Parrington on Thursday, 02 November 2017
Category: SOYL

It's that time of year again - SOYL Winter Workshops

We've just announced the details of our SOYL Winter Workshops which kick off at the end of November and run right through towards the end of February.

To some, hosting so many workshops across England and Scotland might seem like quite an undertaking but we are always encouraged by the positive feedback we receive from both regular and new attendees. 

So, what can attendees expect this time?

We are really excited for the round of 2017/18 events and have a wide range of new advice and precision tools to showcase. The general theme of our workshops will focus on three main areas:

  1. Developments to enhance our existing precision services
  2. The launch of new tools now ready for use in real farm situations
  3. Innovations in the pipeline now.

Attending our workshops in previous seasons has proved useful both for current and potential precision clients. Feedback from attendees includes: "one of the best technical events I've attended" and "practical and informative." Typically we attract more than 1,000 growers over the winter and expect our upcoming events to be just as popular.

As well as covering the three themes above, at each event we'll share expertise on the following topics: 

- An introduction to Elton Farm

We will take a closer look at this particular business to learn more about the ways data can be used to support decisions and improve productivity. Analysis of data will show how different layers interact in a farm situation.

- The benefits of multiple precision farming services

During last season, we tried various combinations of all our precision farming services in one field to help assess the cumulative benefits of managing many inputs variably. We will use the workshops as an opportunity to unveil the results and discuss any lessons learnt. 

- Precision soil management

A detailed look at managing the physical, chemical and biological state of our soils including precision soil health, magnesium management, trace elements and targeted cultivations.

- Nitrogen decision-making for spring 2018

We'll take a look at current season data and how it can be combined with precision management to improve crop yield. 

- Site-specific agronomy guidelines

There are a range of precision options to support in-field agronomy decisions. We'll review apps, aerial sensors and control systems which, when used together, will create an integrated system to improve field management.

- Managing grass with precision

 We'll take a look at some new developments aimed at improving decision-making and the profitability of grass crops.

- Integrated precision data management

There will be the opportunity to view MySOYL, the web-based tool that allows all your precision data to be managed and analysed in one location. For the very first time, we'll be demonstrating the latest developments to the platform which include yield map tools, improved data analysis and real time weather. 

To reserve your free place please call 01635 204190, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or register online.

Simon Parrington

SOYL commercial director

 For specific advice for your business related to this blog or any other aspect of precision crop production get in touch with SOYL.

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