By Simon Parrington on Monday, 10 September 2018
Category: SOYL

There is still value in your old precision farming data

Each year a number of new customers come to us with some existing precision farming data. However, while they may still have it, they are not always sure how useful it may be still be.

Such data is typically either soil zone data or yield map data, and will have often been sold to the farmer over a number of years but never fully utilised.

While it is historical, there is still immense value in this data. In fact, it can be incorporated into MySOYL to work alongside our existing record system for a very minimal cost. 

Soil zone data

Soil zone data typically comes in two types:

Conductivity data is the most reliable way of mapping physical soil variation, but imagery-based zones can still be used. Both can be pulled into mySOYL and used to guide decisions on farm, such as switching to variable seed rates to help improve crop yields.

There is much of this data around; the novel nature of precision farming attracts a number of companies to the sector.

However, these companies can vary considerably in size and scope, which means often their available data resources and capabilities can too. At SOYL however, if you purchased data previously and are still in possession of it – even if just on paper – we can help you to get the most from it. 

Yield map data

Yield map data can be collected by most combine harvesters; the earliest systems have been around since the mid '90s. It can be processed, cleaned and pulled into MySOYL, where analysis and action is simple and low cost.

Most commonly, historic yield map data is usually lurking on an old PC; often thought to be useless and out-of-date. However, our team can help you to retrieve it and make it work for your farm.

This data can be especially valuable for strategic sampling, fertiliser recommendations and crop development versus in-season imagery.

Do you have old data?

If you're still in possession of historical data for your farm, why not put it to good use? Combined with our existing precision applications, this data can help with the bigger picture and inform more on-farm decisions to help with crop production, resource management and your bottom line.

If you'd like to know more and how we can support you to utilise your existing data, please get in touch. 

Simon Parrington
Commercial director 

Visit the SOYL website

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