Articles in this issue:
- Restless mindset underpins agronomy improvements
- Environmental screening trials insights
- Post-harvest soil care
- SFI soil, nutrition and IPM plans

Articles in this issue:
- Farm clusters creating sustainable supply chains
- A mixed approach: Utilising public and private funding
- What emissions data means for you
- Balancing crop production with the environment

Articles in this issue:
- Key moment for closed transfer investment
- Using grain analysis to adjust N fert rates
- Crop variability underlines importance of T1 and T2 sprays
- Reducing sugar beet stress
- 3D Thinking summer open days

ISSUE 28 - New Year's resolutions
Articles in this issue:
- Will you be using precision technology in 2024?
- Planning a resilient rotation: different options this spring
- New Year's nutrition resolutions for the whole farm
- View from the field with Kerris Poland, Frontier agronomist for Norfolk and Suffolk

ISSUE 27 - innovation special
Articles in this issue:
- Evidence-based advice vital for a changing industry
- Digital tools to evaluate solutions at scale
- Trial insights identify best techniques
- No-shear sheep boost biodivesity for Shropshire farmer
- Supporting future business resilience

ISSUE 26 - water special
Articles in this issue:
- Farming practices have a key role in delivering WFD objectives
- Soil infiltration: the value of organic matter
- Stewardship and crop protection
- Availability of water on farm
- Water protection in practice

Articles in this issue:
- The power of a farm data strategy
- Field grain analysis optimises crop production
- Top varieties for drilling in 2023
- Establishment is key to OSR success
- View from the field: Ben Mead, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- Choosing the best varieties for direct drilling
- Why carbon related data is important
- Making the most of grass and maize forage
- Investigating 'greener' fertilisers
- View from the field: Beth Jones-Davies, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- SFI provides more options
- Evidence IPM with digital tools
- Can you make your own N?
- Protecting potatoes from CAA resistant blight
- T1 crucial for wheat disease control
- View from the field: Rob Hamlen, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- Nitrogen: make every kilo count
- Varying N rates can improve crop performance
- Closed transfer system delivers exceptional efficiency and reduced environmental exposure
- Don't discount new chemistry to protect valuable crops
- Profit from sugar beet
- View from the field: Mark Lancaster, Frontier agronomist

ISSUE 21 - sustainable crop production special
Articles in this issue:
- Sustainability is more than no-till and cover crops
- Trials help identify best techniques to adopt
- Technology has key role in regen
- Expert focus: Adopt a pragmatic approach
- 7 ways to implement sustainable practices

Articles in this issue:
- Increased risks create opportunities
- Step-by-step, practical approach is best for regen ag
- Is reducing nitrogen the right course of action?
- Using weather data for smart decision making
- View fromt the field, Peter Forster, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- Is ryegrass the new black-grass?
- Undersowing cover crops benefits maize
- Crop nutrition needs a holistic approach
- Farming rules for water and autumn manures
- View from the field: Lucy Tagger, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- New MySOYL mobile app puts farm and crop performance data at your fingertips
- Getting the best start for OSR
- New tool helps analyse production costs
- Wheat varieties to watch this autumn
- View from the field: Sam Cooke, Frontier agronmist

Articles in this issue:
- Delivering environmental benefits at catchment level
- Blight strains determine control plans
- IPM is central to Stewardship and SFI
- HEAR: from niche crop to mainstream
- Meeting the growing demand for oats
- View from the field: Simon Young, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- Warburtons Growers Group will help shape milling wheat supply chain
- Don't forget Stewardship as SFI approaches
- Precision approaches to grassland
- Beet growers' options for management of virus yellows
- Getting the most from every kilo of N
- View from the field: Rob Norman, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- New radar imagery to optimise nitrogen applications in 2022
- Learnings from 2021 grain analysis results
- New closed transfer system available to Frontier growers
- Do elicitors have a role to play in crop production?
- Four ways to manage large OSR crops
- View from the field: Elle Pace, Frontier agronomist

Articles in this issue:
- Planning for success this spring
- Learnings from a challenging season
- Using MyFarm to conduct on-farm trials
- Beet - more than just adjusted tonnage
- Food for thought - macro challenges facing agriculture
- Investing in the future

Articles in this issue:
- What to consider for 2022 spring cropping
- How to use PCN mapping effectively
- Maize review ahead of 2022
- How to make the most of manure applications

Articles in this issue:
- The journey to carbon neutral farming
- What are my options with the Sustainable Farming Incentive?
- 10 steps to battling black-grass
- Innovation focus: Margin maps
- The forgotten role of seed treatments

Articles in this issue:
- Steering change - maintaining profitability
- Cover crops or catch crops - what are your options?
- Opt for mint oil to combat sprout suppression
- Checklist for grain store pest management pre-harvest
- Use grain sampling to plan effective use of nitrogen

Articles in this issue:
- Companion cropping - reducing the OSR risk
- Pre-harvest grass weed management
- Keep tuber blight out of potato crops
- Ramularia - life after chlorothalonil
- Late season disease management for premium markets

ISSUE 9 - digital special
Articles in this issue:
- Game-changing tool makes waves in environmental management
- Seasonal update: Making nitrogen and urea decisions
- Soil-borne pests - the role of cover crops
- Cereal disease control 2021

Articles in this issue:
- Pushing crop performance with nutrients
- Innovation focus: R100® biostimulant
- A proactive approach to undersowing maize
- IPM control in beet yellows
- How can we impact winter wheat yield potential?

ISSUE 7 - soil health special
Articles in this issue:
- Investing in soils to support sustainable farming
- Farm-based research network focused on sustainable soil management
- Supporting farmers with regenerative agriculture techniques
- The future of soil management - what's next?

Articles in this issue:
- Building plant resilience with biostimulants this season
- Dealing with BYDV through IPM
- Key stages of an IPM programme
- Practical guide to adjuvants

Articles in this issue:
- New kids on the block for autumn drilling
- Stop black-grass in its tracks
- Life without Diquat - what are the options
- Assess, plan and act on soils this autumn

Articles in this issue:
- 3D Thinking goes virtual
- OSR - to grow, or not to grow?
- IPM approach to blackgrass control
- Late season disease control
- Boosting mid-season maize nutrition
- Innovation: new seed genetics

Articles in this issue:
- Bolstering performance of spring barley crops
- Support good crop genetics with the best chemistry available
- Top tips for controlling virus yellows in sugar beet
- Innovation focus: carbon management
- Work smart, not harder

Articles in this issue:
- All is not lost with late autumn drilled crops
- Innovation focus: Revysol®
- Maximise nitrogen use efficiency this spring
- How to ensure spring crops meet end market specifications
- Give your soils some TLC ahead of drilling