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Frontrunner - 11th August 2018

WHEAT  Supportive markets Wheat markets continued the supportive tone for the early part of the week, fuelled by further concerns over production in various regions in the world. Australia is the latest country to further reduce its likely output, with some suggestions of this year's crop being nearer 16 million tonnes versus 21 million last y...

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Market report - 8th August 2018

World Markets US wheat closed slightly lower yesterday, seeing some profit after the recent strong gains. The US winter wheat harvest was put at 90% complete in this week's crop update and spring harvest 13% cut, with ratings down 4% on last week at 74% good to excellent. Corn ratings were seen to decline by 1% to 71% good to excellent, versus 60% ...

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Frontrunner - 3rd August 2018

WHEAT  Buoyant UK market Another volatile week in the UK grain trade saw November futures hit new contract highs of £195 on Thursday, fuelled by crop issues globally. As a result, we saw a good level of farmer selling for both 2018 and 2019 crop at levels well above the cost of production. Wheat harvest nationally lies at around 40% complete, ...

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Market report - 1st August 2018

World markets US wheat continued its rally yesterday, taking gains up to circa £22/t from the lows of July. Throughout the month of July crop concerns around the world have grown considerably, adding fresh fuel to the fire and driving markets higher. Politics are still in the frame, with some rumours circulating that the US and China could be close...

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Frontrunner - 27th July 2018

WHEAT  Volatile UK wheat prices In reaction to further cuts to European wheat crop estimates, speculative trading and consumer short covering lifted the wheat market sharply higher this week. London wheat futures rallied to new contract highs on Thursday, with the November 2018 contract trading above £190.00/t.This was almost £15/t up on the p...

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Frontrunner - 20th July 2018

WHEAT  UK prices firm again Domestic wheat prices firmed a further £3-£5 this week, despite harvest progressing well across Europe. In a year when UK wheat output is forecasted at or below 14 million tonnes, we will be relying more heavily on imports and therefore price movements around Europe affect us more than normal. Crop reductions in som...

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Frontrunner - 13th July 2018

WHEAT  Wheat report from the USDA Yesterday, the USDA published their July World Supply and Demand Estimates. They highlighted the tightening global balance sheet making further cuts in output to many of the world's major wheat producers. From their June report, they see Australia down two million tonnes, the EU down 4.4 million tonnes, Russia...

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Frontrunner - 6th July 2018

WHEAT  Production losses impact prices European markets took fright this week, following analyst trading houses citing their expectation of further production losses throughout EU wheat crops as harvest gets underway. The price reaction has been a shock for the market, with London wheat futures for new crop swinging higher by £13 at its peak s...

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Frontrunner - 29th June 2018

WHEAT  US markets slide further US wheat closed the week slightly weaker, as fund selling pressurised futures lower. Focus remains on trade issues between the US and China as they continue to make headlines. Despite this, the US remains overvalued as an exporter compared to the likes of Russia and we could see further devaluation in the coming...

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Frontrunner - 22nd June 2018

WHEAT  The Trump factor The recent market trend for higher prices has reflected concerns for global wheat where adverse weather has been hurting crops in North America, Russia, North West Europe and Australia.However, the beginning of this week saw all this discarded as the Trump administration ramped up its trade dispute with China. Talk that...

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Frontrunner - 15th June 2018

WHEAT Markets lose grip World wheat markets have reversed sharply this week; with US wheat giving away nearly a month's worth of gains. Weather markets are still in play but the stresses in some regions have abated, as rains aid establishment in Australia and improve corn and spring wheat conditions in the US. However, there are still enough flags ...

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Frontrunner - 8th June 2018

WHEAT  Weather and tariff talks in the USA​ Global weather models continue to underpin new crop wheat prices and despite very little change over the past seven days, widespread dryness remains the theme in the USA and the Black Sea. Chicago wheat futures were among a host of agricultural commodity markets that began the week with sharp losses ...

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Frontrunner - 1st June 2018

WHEAT Weather drives markets higher again Ongoing weather issues and crop concerns saw world markets surge higher early this week, with French wheat futures hitting 11-month highs. The US hard red winter wheat areas, the Black Sea region, North Eastern Europe and Eastern Australia have continued to be dry with above average temperatures. However, e...

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Frontrunner - 25th May 2018

WHEAT  Markets higher World wheat markets have propelled higher this week, fuelled in the most part by weather driven sentiment and political positioning over tariff negotiations between China and the US concerning the supply of agricultural products. Warm weather persists Whilst US winter wheat crops remain under stress and planting condition...

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Frontrunner - 18th May 2018

WHEAT Demand quenched by imports The UK domestic market for old crop continued to remain well supported this week for supplies of both feed and quality wheat with the deficit areas of the west and north pulling on remaining supplies. The constraints on road freight availability are hindering trade flows from surplus southern grain areas, to overcom...

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Frontrunner - 11th May 2018

This is the new home of Frontrunner - Frontier's weekly grain marketing update. Subscribe to the blog to be notified every time it is published. WHEAT USDA sees lower world wheat and corn stocks next season Yesterday afternoon the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) published their first world supply and demand estimates for 2018/19. The...

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Frontrunner - 4th May 2018

 WHEAT Old crop supplies tight in the North We continue to have a north/south divide in our domestic wheat market. We are seeing reasonable supplies in the south of England and heavy demand in the north of England and Scotland but with rapidly diminishing farm stocks in these areas. With no easy way of moving wheat over long distances from sou...

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Frontrunner - 27th April 2018

  WHEAT Russian wheat production set to fall Adverse weather conditions may impact on Russian wheat production for the 2018 harvest.Analysts see a reduced area drilled and lower yields leading to a crop of 72 million tonnes, notably lower than last year's record 85 million tonnes. If realised, this would cut the amount Russia would be able to ...

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Frontrunner - 20th April 2018

 WHEAT Complex home trade Domestic UK markets have continued to focus on logistic issues which are now an integral feature and constraining natural trade flows. London wheat futures rose to six-month highs mid-week to levels not seen since 12th October 2017. This prompted greater levels of imported wheat, which also helped the logistics pressu...

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Frontrunner - 13th April 2018

WHEAT World round-up US wheat futures fell steadily this week following better forecasts for the drought-stricken Plains. This is good news for winter crops, but only time will tell if it will spell better news for crop ratings which currently sit at a 20-year low. Matif wheat made a five-year high on Monday, following last week's firmer US markets...

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